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Techmarine conversion

Ok, Tony has asked me if I'd like to contribute to his blog, so here I am, contributing... I'd like to point out straight away that I'm a brush licker. I can't help it. Sorry.

I've had a 'start-stop-start' few years of painting and gaming, I actually managed to put together a 5000pt Witch Hunters army once, never won a battle.... sold 'em, stupid Nuns with guns. Anyway, I appear to be back into the hobby again with a vengeance, probably spurred on by combination of a stack of free stuff from Tony, finding my old bits box and my eldest son starting a Lizardmen army.

So, what army(ies) am I going to work on? Well, Fantasy wise I've inherited a metric ton of Empire and Brettonian stuff so I'm putting together something along those lines, but for 40K I was a bit stuck.

I've done Marines, Witch Hunters and faffed around with Eldar. Unfortunately Orks, Tyranids, Necrons and Tau interest me less than zero, I thought about Imperial Guard but I'd probably need about 20 army cases to carry them round and Tony is doing Chaos. Choices were limited... I sighed and wept softly into my cup of tea.

A few days ago I stumbled on Tim Huckleberrys rough Adeptus Mechanicus list, this was it, I got obsessed. From a hobby/makey/painty standpoint and the amount of fluff to work from it's perfect. It's 10 years old or so and I know its not legal in a gaming sense, but then I don't intend on taking part in tournies or campaigns or owt like that just yet. 

I've got a load of Inquisitor henchmen that look suitable, a couple of old style techmarines and a bunch of other stuff that I can work with. Conversions will be done, fingers will be superglued, kitchen tables will be overrun.

First one done-ish, still need to tidy bits up and do some more work on the base. Old Techmarine, Empire head swap, IG comms backpack, auspex changed and a servo arm added in place of his, err, arm. 

I'll be keeping a record of my successes and inevitable failures on here. If I get good you can look on in awe and wonderment, if I suck badly please pretend you never saw any of this.... move along, move along.

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