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Charlies Nail Art

Aloha Flowers

Another week almost over, at this rate the school holidays will zoom past!
With some more beautiful floral nail wraps from Charlies Nail Art, I'm here with my regular Friday review. 
Aloha Flowers are full nail wrap water decals and so tropical and very pretty. 
Sized for each nail and both sides are different, yet go together.
So for my mani I paired with a gorgeous dark green shimmer.

Such a great holiday look, perfect for warm sunny days.
These wraps are only 89p! Plus there are many more fabulous nail art items to choose from over on the Charlies Nail Art website.
Not forgetting to use my discount code BNM15.
FacebookInstagram and Twitter are the place you can also find Charlies Nail Art.
Stay safe and much love....

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