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Top 14 nail polishes of 2014!

Hello there guys and welcome to this favourite nail polish round up post, I love doing these and coincidentally I have got 14 polishes for 2014. I encountered some really really nice polish last year and some colours narrowly missed out and I'm still debating if they should be in here but not really haha.
The thing about preferences is that they change over time, like my favourites 3 years ago, I bet I would order them differently now, not only because of preference but of how amazing they are. I'm sure colours I would've overlooked could become my favourites. This is maturing folks ;)
Anyway last year had some fab fab fab (I would never describe as something "fab fab fab" :/) polishes and I have managed to haphazardly order them, there may be some surprises...or maybe not :P Be excited!!

14. Glam Polish - Mars Attacks! - My friend got me this early last year and the combination of all the matte neon glitter and jade-y mint was obviously going to be a winner for me. I love neon glitter, I think we learnt this from last year.

13. Barry M - Kiwi - I love green polish, I think nail polish is what made me love the colour green, I don't know what it is but green is wonderful. I haven't used this polish as much as I should have (it's why it's further down in the list) but Kiwi is just a fantastic shade of green, right in the middle of the green spectrum and that's a great colour. You know I love the Gellies too.

12. Spa Ritual - Wilderness - This polish is a pretty late entry but that coral though. That golden shimmer though, it's like a coral Jinx! I'm still onboard with textured polishes and Wilderness is such a pretty one!!

11. Essie - Lots of Lux - Hello another texture. I prefer this one though, the richness of the blue captures me and the green/yellow crazy shimmer is a winner too. While this is nice textured, when you add topcoat it's glorious.

10. Hare Polish - Neon Palm - This is just a super interesting polish, grey can really work as a base. Who ever thought I'd have a grey polish in my favourites? The combination of copper and neon pink is great. Especially the neon pink. The copper sparks are a great addition to this polish too. I'm excited to wear this more.

9. Nails Inc - Regents Park - 2014 was the year of red for me, I love red now!! It's obviously not the shade of red with this polish, look at the black glitter combined with the red. It's so perfect, I always say how I love edginess and come on this polish is perfect for that. I feel like I can do something tough and thug with this polish hahahaha.

8. The Face Shop - Strawberry Milk - Yes I may only have worn this once (common theme of the year, not wearing polish enough cause I'm busy) but I knew from the first coat this was special. Just from the amazing teal and purple glitter I was convinced, but when you combine it all like this with the super cute light pink and the insane density of the glitter, you get a pretty sweet polish.

7. Barry M - Superdrug 50th Birthday - Barry M has captured my heart with their limited editions, it's a shame that they are limited. I'm glad I persisted in trying to get this polish by insisting on looking cause it's gorgeous. I was wearing this again recently and it glows from within, I don't know if it's a shimmer that makes it do so but glow-y polishes are so beautiful. Plus it's pink with glitter. I think bases with glitter are a common theme here, but when they're done so well who can blame me? I hope this will be a recurring theme next year :)

6. Barry M - Carousel - As usual Barry is a big hitter. You know I'm a red girl now and this is just such a super perfect gorgeous shade of red. It's the tiniest bit orange-y but in the light red it's SO nice. I don't even care that you can't see the shimmer cause it's such a gorgeous colour and I can't really pinpoint why. Oops another limited edition, I think Barry's best polishes are the limited edition ones :P

5. Models Own - Radiant Pink - The Diamond Luxe collection was such a beast of a collection. I've only wore this one once too but it was so incredible that it's in the top 5. Really can't wait to wear it more cause of the neon pink (always a winner with me) and the gorgeous mini silver flakes.

4. Claire's - Hundred and Thousands - This is me in a polish. Neon coral with red, yellow and blue glitter and bonus white glitter. My favourite colour scheme and then some white glitter. It's ticking all the boxes. So yeah it's basically perfect.

3. Barry M - Fashion Icon - Look it's the reappearance from my old favourite, Barry M. Don't worry this one isn't a limited edition. I cannot convey the sparkliness in pictures, or how amazing the shade of purple is. But I really tried to convey the duochrome shimmer which brings this polish to another level. Another polish that has to get on mah nails right now. When I had this on I could not stop staring, that's a sign of a good polish, a really good polish.

2. Models Own - Asscher Blue - When Models Own do it right, they tend to end up in my top 5. Blue is my favourite colour and I was looking for a nice sky blue and I found it in the Diamond Luxe collection. It's a gorgeous shade of blue, if you didn't know by now I am all about shades. The green/teal shimmer makes this polish incredible. It's not the most pizazz-y polish but it's a beautiful blue and sometimes that's all a girl is asking for.

1. Illamasqua - Melange - It had to be didn't it? Look at that fantastical beast. That shade of green is lovely. But we all know that's not what it's all about, it's the gold and red mini flakes. They're AMAZING. This is a polish to make you feel mythical or part of a fairytale (like the promo pictures portrayed, well done promo pictures) and ready to frolic through a forest. Polish shouldn't give these kind of illusions and Melange is something else. This is why Illamasqua is the only high end brand I think is worth splurging on, for polishes like Melange. More like this please.

Well thank you for reading my gushy favourites, hopefully you think they're a good bunch ;) The colour range was very broad, there's 3 greens, 2 blues, 1 purple, 2 corals, 2 pinks, 2 reds and a grey.
Barry M obviously ruled the roost (and long may he reign) but not as much as previous years with 4, 1 for Illamasqua (like 3 years ago), 2 Models Own, 1 Claire's, 1 The Face Shop, 1 Nails Inc, 1 Essie, 1 Spa Ritual, 1 Hare Polish and 1 Glam Polish. You gotta love range.
These are definitely polishes that I'm going to reach for, for a full manicure when I inevitably won't have time to do nail art. Trust me I'm excited to rock these. I'm always for a year of new polish, I'm never sure if I'll find enough polishes I love, but I always do (maybe that isn't such a good thing :P). I hope you have a fantastic day!! :)

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