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Wait, You Mean Rihanna ISN'T a Role Model?!

Rosario Dawson says that Rihanna doesn't have a responsibility to be a role model - Because yeah, kids are impressionable
 Either way, here's Rosario's argument:

"I don't think individual women do have a responsibility [to set an example for others]. Often they are working within a certain dynamic. Take Rihanna. To put all that responsibility on one woman is outrageous. I don't think we should engage with that 'should and shouldn't do', 'should and shouldn't wear' and 'should and shouldn't look like'. We don't do that with men."

Well, OK. It's probably not so much that Rihanna has a responsibility to set an example for others so much as she has a responsibility to not be ignorant. And it's not even a responsibility, really, it's just that maybe she shouldn't make it a habit to post approximately a zillion pictures on Instagram of weed and weed accessories. .. I love my Riri and want her to be respected in every level.. -->

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